Monday, February 7, 2011

CLAM Course Introductory

G’day All,

I am an exchange student from Australia and upon entering Clemson University I saw this Cultural Literacies across Media course, which I immediately was very interested in. Unfortunately the course was only aimed at the Clemson Students whom were studying abroad outside of the US. After consultation with Randy, he was willing to let me into this course as I am very interested in blogging my experiences of the United States, in comparison to the Australian Culture. I have never blogged before and was very interesting in learning to do so, including to incorporate video’s, pictures and writing to the blog. I am very fond of being able to interact my cultural experiences, not only to other classmates but also to my mates and family back home.

 I am still learning how to blog, and I am not entirely sure if my blog page is up and running or not at the moment, but I am sure I will learn a lot more information on blogging and different ways and techniques to improve my skills with it over the next couple of months. Looking forward to future


  1. Hey Rhys! As a foreigner in Spain, I'm really interested to hear your experiences as a foreigner back in my Home country! I definitely am gaining a lot of empathy for all the immigrants/travelers in the States... It's hard to make this transition.

    I'm sure you'll do great...especially with the same primary language, and the fact that most Americans think Australians are super cool. Watch out, because all the ladies will be hitting on you if you have a cute accent!

